

“A calm serene mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom”

The New Serenity 

By: Mark Phillips

A calm serene mind is one of the great gifts of wisdom.

It is developed through a long and patient effort in self-control.

It’s presence indicates a developed understanding and a more than ordinary knowledge of the law and operations of thought.

We remain calm and serene to the level that we understand ourselves and our thoughts, for our thoughts create our lives. As we develop the right understanding and can see more and more clearly that the thoughts we think cause our feelings & behaviour, we can stop becoming upset, worried, anxious and remain happy, confident and calm.

A calm person is like a shade giving tree in a hot desert, or a warm home during a cold winter storm and is always loved & respected.

The more peaceful a person becomes, the greater is their success, their influence and their power for good. Even the average person will increase their prosperity as they provide greater service with a calm serene attitude, for people will always prefer to do business with someone who’s behaviour is always loving and calm.

A calm person having learned self-control, knows how to adapt easily to others and in-turn others feel that they can learn from them. Who does not love a peaceful heart, a good natured, balanced life?

It does not matter if it rains, snows or shines, or what changes come to those who have this blessed attitude, for they will remain cheerful, loving and calm.

This peaceful personality is the result of controlled right thinking.

It is a valuable wisdom to learn, more valuable than money, yes, more than even an abundance of money. How insignificant mere money seeking looks in comparison with a serene life that attracts money by providing great service through multiple sources of income.

How many people have we known who have little self-control and ruin relationships because of their explosive temper’s? It is not even a question anymore that the great majority of people live chaotic lives and damage their happiness by lack of self-control. How few people do we meet who developed serenity and live a great life.

Anyone attempting to rush forward in a chaotic mind will become disturbed by anxiety and doubt. Only the wise person, only those who learn how to control their thoughts, keep them calm & positive, will remain in control of their emotions, words and actions.

Keep your mind securely fixed on the control of thought. If you lose control, wake up! and be grateful you can control your thoughts.

Self control is strength; A calm serene mind is powerful.

Continually say to your heart,” Peace, be still.”

Repetition is the key to planting this deep into your Subconscious mind.